The ```` module =================================== .. py:module:: ansys.modelcenter.workflow.grpc_modelcenter.var_value_convert Summary ------- .. py:currentmodule:: var_value_convert .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Classes .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~ToGRPCVisitor` - Produces a gRPC ``VariableValue`` message for a given .. tab-item:: Exceptions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~ValueTypeNotSupportedError` - Raised if an attempt is made to convert a value with a known but .. tab-item:: Functions .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: auto * - :py:attr:`~interop_type_to_mc_type_string` - Given an ``atvi.VariableType``, create the corresponding ModelCenter * - :py:attr:`~mc_type_string_to_interop_type` - Given a ModelCenter type string, create the corresponding * - :py:attr:`~grpc_type_enum_to_interop_type` - Given a value of ``VariableType``, return the appropriate value of * - :py:attr:`~interop_type_to_grpc_type_enum` - Given a value of ``atvi.VaribleType``, return the appropriate value of * - :py:attr:`~convert_grpc_value_to_atvi` - Produce an ``atvi.IVariableValue`` object from a gRPC message. * - :py:attr:`~convert_interop_value_to_grpc` - Create an equivalent ``VariableValue`` message from a .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: 🝆 ToGRPCVisitor .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: 🗲 ValueTypeNotSupportedError Description ----------- Defines methods for converting between a gRPC message and an IVariableValue. For more information, see `IVariableValue`_ in the *PyAnsys Tools Variable Interop* documentation. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module detail ------------- .. py:function:: interop_type_to_mc_type_string(original: -> str Given an ``atvi.VariableType``, create the corresponding ModelCenter type string. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: mc_type_string_to_interop_type(original: str) -> Given a ModelCenter type string, create the corresponding ``atvi.VariableType``. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: grpc_type_enum_to_interop_type(original: ansys.api.modelcenter.v0.variable_value_messages_pb2.VariableType) -> Given a value of ``VariableType``, return the appropriate value of ``atvi.VariableType``. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: interop_type_to_grpc_type_enum(original: -> ansys.api.modelcenter.v0.variable_value_messages_pb2.VariableType Given a value of ``atvi.VaribleType``, return the appropriate value of ``VariableType``. .. note:: This method does not handle reference types as they map to ``atvi.VariableType.UNKNOWN`` and are thus indistinguishable from actual unknown types. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: convert_grpc_value_to_atvi(original: ansys.api.modelcenter.v0.variable_value_messages_pb2.VariableValue, engine_is_local: bool = True) -> Produce an ``atvi.IVariableValue`` object from a gRPC message. :Parameters: **original** : :obj:`VariableValue` Original gRPC message. **engine_is_local** : :ref:`bool ` Whether the engine that created the file is running on the local machine. The default is ``True``. If ``False``, the engine is running on a remote machine :Returns: :obj:`Converted` value. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: convert_interop_value_to_grpc(original:, local_file_context_stack: Optional[contextlib.ExitStack] = None, engine_is_local=False) -> ansys.api.modelcenter.v0.variable_value_messages_pb2.VariableValue Create an equivalent ``VariableValue`` message from a ``atvi.IVariableValue`` object. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!